100x faster, scalable, all-in-one ML Suite for modern data warehouses
Perpetual ML empowers businesses with Perpetual ML Suite which is a 100x faster, scalable, explainable, end-to-end, all-in-one, low-code / no-code native app for modern data warehouses. Unlock the best insights and actions from your data in minutes not days.
Explore the Features

100x Faster

PerpetualBooster is 100x faster at initial training thanks to its built-in generalization algorithm which eliminates hyperparameter optimization.

Continual Learning

More speed-up by continuously training your models where you left off without having to start from scratch at each new batch of data.

More Confident Decisions

Better confidence intervals with built-in state-of-the-art Conformal Prediction algorithms compared to plain implementations.

Learn Geography Better

Learn better and more natural decision boundaries for your geographic data.

Model Monitoring

You don't need another tool to monitor your models or you are not limited by average metrics. Monitor models and detect distribution shift with confidence.

ML Tasks

Suitable for tabular classification, regression, time series, learning to rank tasks and text classification by using embeddings.


You are not locked into a single vendor. It is currently being developed for Snowflake. It will be available for Databricks and other data warehouses later.

Effortless Parallelism

Achieve superior computational performance and resource efficiency, propel your research and applications to new heights.

No specialized hardware

You no longer need any specialized hardware like GPU or TPU. Leverage your current hardware and software, eliminate complexity, save time and money.

See it in Action
Contact us for a free trial to see Perpetual ML in action.